Objectives and strategies of trade unions and works councils in the region regarding restructuring
The viewpoint of EMCEF on the development of the energy sector


Industrial development and the development of backward regions increased the demand for energy, thus energy supply has become a major challenge in the future.

Europe already has its own experiences but energy policy still basically falls under the legislation of the member states.

EMCEF - in line with the publication of the Green Book of the European Commission – has determined its energy political requirements which EMCEF would like to apply in the interest of the European employees of the sector.  

The primary aim of the European energy policy is to ensure adequate and sufficient energy supply and access for all the citizens of Europe. The Lisbon Strategy defined the necessary steps for the economic development of Europe which also contain the insurance of energy supply especially in the case of the energy-dependant sectors.  Energy supply should be made safer and the dependency of Europe on import energy supply should be decreased.   Europe should maintain its leading position, should improve its energy efficiency and should find new energy sources.  

Decisions regarding the energy sector should gradually move from the level of nation states to the level of Europe. Energy policy should play a decisive role in the community policy of the European Union; European regulations are needed to ensure safe energy supply and the compliance with environmental standards, to promote research and development activities, to enhance the efficiency of the production in energetics and to enable the increase of the competitiveness of the European industry through adequate energy pricing. A joint European platform may increase the safety of supply, the diversification of fuel and the application of energy mix.

The social role of enterprises in the energy industry is to be guaranteed and ensured

The majority of the European energy companies do have good social relations which are entirely in line with the European Social Model. These social relations do not only relate to the relationship between the employers and employees, i.e. the trade union but also mean the respect for the cultural diversity of the different EU countries. These values should be preserved, the participation should continue and the procedures should be applied in the social processes and in the sustainable development.  

It is necessary that non-European enterprises operating in Europe should also comply with these standards.

Social relations in the energy sector

Negotiations between employers and trade unions in the energy sector have traditionally been part of the everyday life.  It is due to this fact that even in the most difficult situations the social partners can find consensus-based solutions.  Collective and other deals have made it possible for the social partners to conclude numerous agreements. Taking into consideration the present changes, it is even more pivotal to continue social dialogue on every level.  For trade unions the training of employees and the consultation on different social issues are of high priority.  Social dialogue can by no means be restricted to Europe.  In case the enterprises concerned operate in other parts of the world, a global agreement is needed.  

We should live with the opportunities in order to be able to influence the processes

European energy policy involves several actors. Enterprises and their European Employers’ Organisation and the European Commission with several competencies also participate in this field. EMCEF was also involved in the debate on the Green Book by presenting the standpoints and submitting the proposals of the European trade unions active in the sector.   

The European Sectoral Social Dialogue Committees of the Energy and Mining Sectors should deal with the social consequences of fusions, and the impacts of buy-outs, outsourcing and restructuring on employees. EMCEF pays special attention to the cooperation with the TREN Forum of the European Commission.

Initiatives within the framework of the EMCEF in order to strengthen the position of trade unions in Europe

EMCEF will establish a forum to ensure the coordination of the following actions and activities in the energy sector:

  • Consultation about the  initiatives of the EU Commission;
  • Sharing of tasks between EMCEF and its member organisations;
  • Coordination and support of EWCs in the energy sector including negotiations;
  • Information on the social situation, collective agreements and other social agreements and agreements on temporary, fixed term labour contracts;
  • Coordination of national initiatives and initiatives of the European enterprises;
  • Reviewing topics which can influence the energy industry, e.g.  taxation, subventions;
  • Observing and monitoring non-European trends and dialogue with the energy industry trade unions of the region concerned. This activity will be carried out jointly with the ICEM.

EMCEF will provide regular information about the above mentioned activities on the INTRANET which is accessible to all member organisations.


Cooperation with the ETUC and other European industrial trade unions

EMCEF is the only European industrial trade union which represents the energy industry from the extraction to the consumption and which also includes sectors consuming the largest amounts of energy. We can say that EMCEF is the largest European industrial trade union federation in the energy sector.

All this means an enormous responsibility and this is why EMCEF intends to build out a closer cooperation with the other European industrial trade unions active in the energy sector. These industrial trade unions include the European Metal Workers Trade Union and trade unions in the public sector. We also seek the possibility to cooperate with the EPSU.  Safe energy supply is the interest of the whole society and thus it is indispensable to establish a strong cooperation with the ETUC and to elaborate a joint trade union policy whereby the general interests of the trade unions and workers can be represented besides taking into consideration the specific interests of the society.  
When implementing its activities EMCEF will follow these guidelines in the future.