
"Ipari kapcsolatok és szociális párbeszéd a bányaipari szerkezeti átalakítás gyakorlatának jobbítása érdekében a szociális partnerekkel
perspektívák és megoldások a bányaiparban néhány új EU-tagországban
és tapasztalatok a csatlakozó országok számára"


"Industrial relations and social dialogue – Improving expertise of Restructuring of the mining industry with the social partners perspectives and solutions in mining sector in some new EU-countries and experiences for the candidate EU-countries"

Supported from European Commission

/All documents are from Applicant and from Projectpartners/


European Commission's Forum on restructuring
What legislation is already in place to deal with restructuring?
[EN] [DE] [FR] [BU] [PL] [CZ]


EMCEF energiapolitikája

Energy policy of EMCEF
[EN] [DE] [FR] [BU] [PL] [CZ]

What is the role of the social partners?
Summary of the experiences of the international  conference held at Balatongyörök
[EN] [DE] [FR] [BU] [PL] [CZ]

The role of social partners in re-structuringin Hungary
[EN] [DE] [FR] [BU] [PL] [CZ]

The Role Of Social Partners On European And National Level From The Point Of View Of The Employers
[EN] [DE] [FR] [BU] [PL] [CZ]

Objectives and strategies for the trade unions or work councils in the themes restructuring in mining sector in the region
[EN] [DE] [FR] [BU] [PL] [CZ]

Milyen példákat tervez a projekt bemutatni a szerkezetátalakítással kapcsolatban?
A résztvevő országok válaszai az előzetes kérdőívre 
What examples show the project for, and dealing with, restructuring? Questions & Answers on restructuring by countries